Ibu Diah Saryani, M.Sd
Equity : memberikan keadilan dan kesamaan
Equality : membantu tetapi ada yang tinggi dan pendek
1. Universal health coverage
2. Health emergencies
3. Health and well being
- Hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2018 menunjukkan prevalensi penyakit tidak menular meningkat jika dibandingkan dengan Riskesdas 2013,antara lain kanker, stroke, penyakit ginjal kronis, diabetes melitus, dan hipertensi.
- Kenaikan prevalensi penyakit tidak menular ini berhubungan dengan pola hidup,antara lain merokok, konsumsi minuman beralkohol, kurang aktivitas fisik, serta konsumsi buah dan sayur
• Pathway to Health System Reform
1. Data system : health data is fragemented between public-owned and private-owned health facilities
2. Health care delivery : vertical and horizontal health services are disintegrated, not based on needs, no task-shitting
3. Medical education system requires reorientation of medical education by setting a standard of family doctor (Sp KKLP) for PHC
4. Budgeting system: not according to WHO benchmark of 1% GDP, overlaps of budget regulation between national and sub national governments
5. Health Work Force mechanism inconsistent-not based on mul discplinary team (SpKKLP. nurse, community health workers)
Theory of Change, New Framework
Reinstating community based heath efforts, based in PHC with active outreach to communities
Shift of role for community heath workers from voluntary to and performance-based
Public-Private Mix clear incentives for private sector Involvement in PHC
Clear answers to the structural challenges: -Data system: integration of data from public-owned and private-owned heath tacities -Health care delivery based on needs, task sting -Medical education system: Sp KXLP as standard of medical doctors in PHC practice -Budgeting system PHC as investment Heath Work Force mechanism based on mut disciplinary team
A resilient health system begins with a transformed primary health care
•Underlines the role of primary health care centers (Puskesmas) as area coordinator of other PHC facilities.
⚫ PHC is the backbone of health surveillance strengthened with policy and budget support, capable health work force and well-equipped facilities
⚫A transformed PHC is able to provide essential health services disrupted during early months of pandemic Innovation of service deliver and able to provide care for vulnerable populations.
o Coordinate health services and data between PHC facilities both public-owned and private-owned
As command center at areas
Able to function as early warning system with the supplies and utilization of quality data from communities
o Availability of data on PHC facilities performance to perform health surveillance o Utilization of community level data as the basis of decision making: data driven decision making
• Achieved sustained community resilience through meaningful engagement with local communities in health surveillance, health promotion, health safety measures and essential services